Want Your Business to Do Better? Get More Sleep

man laying in bed with feet showing

Want Your Business to Do Better? Get More Sleep

Getting a good night’s rest is something we always hear is good for us. Whether you’ve got a test the next day, or you’re gearing up to perform at a sporting event, quality sleep and proper rest are critical to ensuring you’re operating at full potential.

Business owners tend to fall into a trap where those quality hours of sleep diminish as they try to meet deadlines and get more work done in one day’s time. But, even if you’re able to cram in a few more e-mail replies or run an extra report or two by cutting down your hours of sleep, in the long run, you may be hurting your business. Here’s why.

Errors and Decreased Efficiency

Once you’ve missed enough hours of sleep and are tired, you’ll start noticing you can’t keep up with things you normally could. Processing concepts, thinking about new ideas, all of that becomes a bit harder to do. That’s because less sleep means less mental capabilities.

Irritability and Stress

Stress is something that comes along with owning a business. Keeping it in control is a learned ability. One thing that increases irritability and stress is lack of sleep. The recommended eight hours of sleep per night is just enough to help your mind and body rest so you can tackle the next day with ease. Once you start deducting those critical hours, you’ll also be shortening your tolerance levels and if you’re irritable, stressed and an overall unhappy person to be around, you may notice that affect your profits, your bottom line and employee turnover rates.

Tips to Get More Sleep

Consider taking time to unwind at the end of the day so you can ease into falling asleep at an appropriate time. It can be tempting to pick up your mobile device and see if responses from an earlier email have come through, but chances are no one else will see those replies until the morning anyway. You owe it to yourself and your business to wait until you’ve started a fresh new day, than to tackle tasks late at night. If the temptation is too much, you may way to remove work emails from your phone to give yourself the space you need for proper rest. Your company depends on you.

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